The Route:
NetApp launched the NetApp TV (NTV) platform to create awareness of NetApp’s cloud-first position in the market and engage critical audiences who over-index on video as their go-to for industry news, as well as educational and technical content. NTV is an owned on-demand video destination where executives, business leaders and IT decision-makers learn about who NetApp is as a brand and solutions provider and explore their point of view on present and future technology.
The platform also serves as NetApp’s thought leadership channel, becoming the outlet for the brand’s most resonant voices to share their points of view and engage like-minded, passionate audiences out there who are driven to push technology and the industry to new heights.
The Peak:
The NTV platform has helped the brand set a new standard for corporate/industrial “edutainment” content and has amplified the brand’s thought leadership and personalities within the IT ecosystem. Audiences can find the programming most relevant to their needs and interests through themed navigation, hot topic playlists and NetApp Original series. This owned video platform and content investment has been credited with building new audiences for NetApp and has led to greater awareness of the brand as a leader in cloud and data management technology and innovation.