Killer Content Awards

Category: Research-Based Content

The Syllabus:

With an understanding that the U.S. is becoming increasingly multicultural with each year and Gen Z stands to be the most diverse generation ever, Resonate realized that broad generalizations don’t connect with prospects anymore. The company wanted to help marketers keep up with the nuanced differences between multicultural segments, as well as between microsegments in audiences like Hispanic Americans.

Lesson Plan:

Resonate’s “Marketing to Multicultural Audiences” research report tapped into deep insights to further individuality, representation and authenticity. Specifically, the report featured three hyper-targeted audiences: Gen X Asian American Urban Dwellers, Gen Z Black Full-time Students and Millennial Mexican American Parents of Small Children. The report seeks to help marketers:

  • See how they can use hyper-targeted segmentation to connect with individuals driven by values and lifestyle choices
  • Learn why going beyond flat demographics is critical to messaging, offers, customer experience and product development
  • Understand how multi-faceted personas put a human face to creative and give consumers a familiarity with a brand and advertising

Report Card:

To date, the “Marketing to Multicultural Audiences” campaign has:

  • Garnered more than 7,300 pageviews
  • Led to more than 700 downloads




Report Card:

To date, the “Marketing to Multicultural Audiences” campaign has:

  • Garnered more than 7,300 pageviews
  • Led to more than 700 downloads




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