2021 Killer Content Awards

Influencer Content

The Challenge

In a world inundated with cyber security companies, Illusive wanted to go beyond the status quo and create an experiential campaign that brought prospects and users into the mind of a hacker.

The Content

Illusive partnered with professional hacker Alissa Knight for a two-part experiential campaign that demonstrated how real cyber threat actors navigate networks and find connections to businesses’ crown jewels. Illusive created a cyber range built specifically for Knight, where she recorded her experiences going head-to-head with Illusive’s active defense. Afterward, Illusive hosted a Q&A with Knight to provide a behind-the-scenes look at how the film was made to conclude the first part of the campaign. In part two, Alissa attempted — and failed — to launch a ransomware attack.

The Scoreboard

  • Brand awareness increased
  • 200% increase in website traffic
  • 100% growth in social media connections

Cheat Code

Marketing teams should turn to various media forms to show, not just tell, the benefits of a certain solution. After all, when you’re playing Minecraft, your friends want to see what you built, not just hear about it through a headset.

Deep Dive

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