2021 Killer Content Awards

Interactive Content

The Challenge

With an abundance of case studies for its most popular product, Control M, at its disposal, BMC wanted to find a creative way to get this older, but still relevant, content in front of its audiences.

The Content

In addition to the case studies, the company repurposed other existing content — such as PDFs, videos and podcasts — into an interactive Ceros case study portfolio that launched in December 2020.

The Scoreboard

  • 2,800 interaction clicks in two months
  • Officially BMC’s most popular and compelling case study

Cheat Code

Successful marketing campaigns don’t always require a ton of manpower and lofty investments — repurposing the tools already in your arsenal can be just as powerful as new content. You don’t need to buy a new shovel in Animal Crossing when you can reinforce your existing one with stone.

Deep Dive

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