Vertical Virtuosos

Andrew Reed


Sr. Marketing Manager -- Northen Europe, AVEVA

Andrew Reed successfully launched the newly created Agile Account-Based Growth (AABG) framework. AABG is an emerging enterprise-framework that makes global B2B growth predictable and on target. It encompasses and impacts the entire funnel from research and intelligence to sales and customer success.

The release of AABG within AVEVA included the integration of an “Agile ABG pod,” a multi-skilled team focused on a clear growth outcome that enhances and fast tracks account-based growth strategies. The pod creates qualified opportunities by combining human- and data- driven intelligence, ABM and sales outreach. He also brought various stakeholders in the organization on board so that full transformational change could occur.

Once the AABG project was initiated, the three-month pilot began. By the end of the trial period, a higher quality of SQLs, an enhanced contribution of marketing originated pipeline (MOP) and a direct contribution of marketing efforts and investments to revenue were achieved. The project was extended in AVEVA for one whole fiscal year, and the new expected result at the end of the next fiscal year is increasingly greater alignment and trust between the marketing and sales departments, finer-tuned processes for all sales-marketing related activities and more credibility and attribution for marketing.

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