Landino follows a formula that includes a subject-first mentality, loyalty treatment, an eight-second rule and content branding.
- Subject First — “When you think about subject first, think about who this person is and how they are going to get us through this video. Don’t wait too long to present the subject.”
- Eight-Second Rule — “You have eight seconds for a YouTube viewer alone to say, ‘Hmm, I think I’ll stay.’ That’s why you want the subject first and to really dig in as quickly as possible with them because if they’re going to make a decision at the eight-second mark, do you still want to be talking about yourselves? Probably not.”
- Loyalty Treatment — “The idea of loyalty treatment is that you are focused on this individual [the viewer] like they’ve been watching you for years. By doing that, you’re probably less likely to introduce yourself, read your title, talk about the company, etc. So, you’re continuing to work on the eight-second rule to make the video as effective as possible, so they will stay for the duration.”
- Content Branding — “Have the branding in context of the video — can you wear the logo on your shirt? Can you use lower thirds to display? Can you put your name in the lower third? Can you use the environment around you?”